Tuesday, March 23, 2010

First Post cont.

Now, on to the reason I made this blog. My main influence in doing this is that I've never done anything like this before. You see, when it comes to doing pretty much anything online, I'm not all that big on it. I mean, when I want to talk to someone, I'd rather talk to them face to face, or at the very least on the telephone. So, I've only ever really used the internet to get news on comics, Movies, Music, etc... or to buy stuff. Well, I decided it would be fun to try something new for a change, so I thought doing a blog would be interesting.
With that set in my mind, I then had to come to come up with a purpose for said blog. Since I love all these varied facets of Entertainment, it was easy enough to decide to write about them. More specifically my OPINION of them. Now, there's a very good reason I capitalized the word, opinion, and that is because my intention is not for this to be a review blog. I'm not a Critic, and I most certainly will not presume to tell anyone what they should or should not like. Everyone is different and has different tastes. I love Wolverine and someone else might hate him, but that does not mean that either of us or right or wrong, it's just an opinion. And since this is a blog about Opinions, I wouldnt mind to here other peoples either. Otherwise, wheres the fun. :)

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