Wednesday, May 25, 2011

X-Men: First Class

I have really been paying attention to all of the hype that's been going on about the movie, X-men first class, but from what I seen of the trailers, I think it might possibly a good movie. James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender look great as Xavier and Magneto from what's been shown, so I'm really excited to see how the two characters' relationship unfolds in the movie.

Looking at the cast of characters they've chosen, I find there choices intriguing. Some for the better, some not so much. To real cringe factors for me are Beast and Mystique. Now let me expand upon that statement by saying that it has nothing to do with the actors or the characters, but the special FX. Mystique just looks off, but Beast has changed from the ape-esque Beast as portrayed by Kelsey Grammer to the more Cat-Man Beast of the current comics and call me nit picky but that doesn't quite make sense.
On the upside, There's supposed to be a Wolverine cameo, so that's something to look forward to.

All in all, I must admit that I can not wait for X-Men: First Class to hit theatres.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

LA Noire

I'm going to start out by just saying that I LOVE this game. I'm a huge fan of the Noir genre and have always wanted a game set in it, and now here it is. As soon as I got it from my local gamestop's midnight release, I put this in and started playing. The game was so good, I nearly played for two days straight until I beat it. It most definitely would have taken longer, but I cheated and used the strategy guide, and boy did I need it. Like many people, I fancy myself a detective, using my own intuition to guess the plot-twists and the identity of the killers in Mystery Movies, but this game will throw you for a loop if you try that. That's not to say that it can't be done but it will surely make the gaming experience last longer and add a great level of difficulty to it. With that said, I still think this is an awesome game with a excellently written story.

One of the greatest thngs about the game though is its graphics. LA Noire has the best Game Avatars I've ever seen. Seriously, they're so life-like, there were times I forgot I was playing a game and thought I was watching a movie. And to make things even more fun, they have a cast of the proverbial who's who of television actors. There were so many faces I recognized from various shows including Aaron Staton as Cole Phelps, Gil McKinney as Jack Kelso, Michael McGrady as Rusty Galloway, Andrew Connelly as Captain James Donnelly, Keith Szarabajka as Herschel Biggs, Erika Heynatz as Elsa Lichtmann; as well as Alexis Cruz, Daniel Roebuck, William O'Leary, Brian Krause, Haley Ramm, and John Noble.


Like most Marvel fans, when Thor came out to theatres, I went to go see it. And, I must say, it was one of the best Marvel films so far. Christopher Hemsworth was perfect as The Mighty Thor and Tom Hiddleston was superb as Loki. Thor is a very fun movie to watch and has a story that is easily followed by people like my father, who loves Thor from the old cartoons from when he was a child but has never read the comics. I definitely recommend this movie to those look for a great adventure/action film to spend an afternoon watching.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Clash of the Titans

I saw the new Clash of the Titans earlier today, and I must say that it's really good. Now, some might complain that it's not faithful enough to the original, but in my mind, the original was perfect. So, to me, the only justification for making a new one would be to do a reimagining of the original tale, and that's exactly what they did.
One thing I want to especially touch upon is Liam Neeson's performance as Zues. His portayal of the Ruler of the Gods was superb. He captures Zues' strong and regal side as well as his wise and gentle fatherly side perfectly. And Ralph Fiennes is Hades. His performance as the God of the Underworld is by far the best I've ever seen in cinema. I'll definitely be picking this one up when it comes out on DVD

Friday, March 26, 2010

Nemesis #1

I picked up a copy of this earlier this week, and I gotta say it was excellent start. The art was completely gorgeous. I think this might be Steve McNiven's best work yet, or at least as good as Old Man Logan. As for the story itself, Millar set up a mighty interesting adventure. While reading it, I got the feel of a mix between a Dirty Harry film and political thriller like Patriot Games, which is definitely an intriguing combination.

As for the main players, Blake Morrow was essentially what Harry Callahan would be like if he made Police Chief to me, making him an excellent hero for me to root for. And Nemesis still remains somewhat of an enigma. The story has only just begun, so there is very little that we know about this Villain, but I'm sure more will be revealed and explained as the story continues. I'll definitely be sticking with this book to see where it goes.

There is one other thing I would like to bring up. It seemed to me that Millar is writing this in a cinematic style, much like Old Man Logan. Now, I don't find anything wrong with that, but I do think that that makes it one of those stories that are better read as a whole rather than broken up by a month to month release. I say this because I read OML both as it came out and as a whole when it was released in Hardcover, and I found the experience of reading it as a whole to be much more satisfying.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Chris Evans is Captain America!

It was just announced today that Chris Evans, Johnny Storm of the FF films, has accepted the role of Steve Rogers/Captain America, and I, for one am excited. I don't know what others think, but I've got a feeling he's going to do great as the Star-spangled Avenger. In past movies, he's proven that he can act as well as be physical, so I have little doubt that he's right for the part.

First Post cont.

Now, on to the reason I made this blog. My main influence in doing this is that I've never done anything like this before. You see, when it comes to doing pretty much anything online, I'm not all that big on it. I mean, when I want to talk to someone, I'd rather talk to them face to face, or at the very least on the telephone. So, I've only ever really used the internet to get news on comics, Movies, Music, etc... or to buy stuff. Well, I decided it would be fun to try something new for a change, so I thought doing a blog would be interesting.
With that set in my mind, I then had to come to come up with a purpose for said blog. Since I love all these varied facets of Entertainment, it was easy enough to decide to write about them. More specifically my OPINION of them. Now, there's a very good reason I capitalized the word, opinion, and that is because my intention is not for this to be a review blog. I'm not a Critic, and I most certainly will not presume to tell anyone what they should or should not like. Everyone is different and has different tastes. I love Wolverine and someone else might hate him, but that does not mean that either of us or right or wrong, it's just an opinion. And since this is a blog about Opinions, I wouldnt mind to here other peoples either. Otherwise, wheres the fun. :)

First Post

For my first post. I 'd just like to tell you a little bit about myself. First, and foremost, I'm a Fanboy. I'm a major fan of Wolverine, The Green Hornet, Batman, Deadshot, Green Arrow and Black Canary, Catwoman, Cable, X-Force, Secret Six, X-23, and the somewhat obscure character, Wild Thing, Daughter of Wolverine. If you were to ask me what my all-time favorite books are at this moment, I answer, "Wolverine: Old Man Logan, Wolverine: Snikt!, Wolverine: The End, Wolverine: Not Dead Yet, Wolverine: Logan, the Classic Claremont/Miller Wolverine Mini, The Dark Knight Returns, The Dark Knight Strikes Again, The Now Green Hornet Comic series (the Entire collection), Wanted, and the Deadshot V.2 Mini.
When it comes to movies, there are so many that I love; way too many to list. But, here are some that are among my favorites: the X-men and Wolverine movies, the Evil Dead Movies, The Dollars Trilogy, the Die Hard Movies, Pretty much all the other Clint eastwood Westerns (or Eastwood movies in general), Princess Bride, Escape from New York and LA, John Carpenter's The Thing, The Sabata Trilogy, The Ghostbusters films, the Mad Max movies, Serenity, and Makai Tensho: Samurai Reincarnation.
As for Tv series, I love NCIS, Castle, Firefly, Leverage, True Blood, Burn Notice, Trigun, Ninja Scroll the series, and the Adventures of Brisco County Jr. And when it comes to music, I've just all over the charts. There really isn't a single genre of music that I don't like.